Biesentales 70 - Se ve en ti -
Hosted by Suetszu.
Suetszu goes funky, experimental & ambient on this one. Lots of rare Latin music sideways included.
Includes Track listing & artist links. Mixcloud (user tracking) ve en ti, se ve en mi.
All masks become transparent.
Nothing to hide, no where to hide.
Se ve en ti, se ve en mi.
What we are made of and who we make ourselves to be, is cristal clear.
Se ve en ti y se ve en mi.
Viento, lluvia, sol, viento, lluvia, sol…
extramusic #
radio #
fediradio #
suetszu #
funky #
experimentalmusic #
experimental #
montage #
ambient #
WeirdFolk #
LatinMusic #
electronica #
jazz #