Biesentales 69 - Sommersturmloch
Biesentales 69 - Sommersturmloch - Hosted by @
_jayrope Futurous & clever music – during a stormy mid summer. Experimental, Avantgarde, Electronica, chamber music, free music (not really free jazz), avant rock.
Application: Music getting you ready for/to change.
Among others featuring @
c. reider and @
Mads Kjeldgaard.
Remember to buy from the artists played here, on Bandcamp or otherwise directly.
Spotify / streaming audio let's everyone starve.
Funkwhale, downloadable. (CW data tracking, do not follow us there)
radio #
biesentales #
avantgardemusic #
electronica #
MusicForChange #
jayropeNEXT SHOW: #70 "Se ve en ti" w/ @
Suetszu August 23rd, 19h30-21h Berlin Time, Cashmere Radio